A ready-made product can always be found in the Pandser range for a professional preparation, execution and finish of your project. An overview of our different product categories can be found here. You can also download the Pandser brochure. 

Pandser brochure


A synthetic rubber with a service life longer than bitumen and DPC to waterproof flat or gently pitched roofs and as a water barrier at window frames or foundation.

Roof finish

Professional accessories for a high-grade finish of new or renovated roofs and to prevent any leakages.

Lead substitutes

Suitable as water barrier for several applications in roofs, dormer windows and cavity walls. Easier and faster to process than lead.

Glues and sealants

A complete system of primer, glue and sealant for a proper pretreatment, adhesion and finish of EPDM.


Tools that are perfectly customized to the materials and projects involving the sealing of roofs, facades and gutters.

Foil & tape

For a perfect finish